KNS Shop 購物價惠:
** 部份地區免費送貨
** 電話技術支援安裝
** 保證原庄跟機配件
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KNS承諾所有NVR均屬全新香港行貨 ㊣
並享有原廠保用服務 (條款以代理商提供為準)
請即致電 3170 7019 或電郵至 查詢及訂購。
Key Features
- Embedded Linux operating system for superior reliability
- Record video from up to 8 megapixel IP cameras simultaneously on RS-2208
- Support dual SATA 3.0Gbs 3.5” HDD
- Support RAID-0 and RAID-1
- Remote recording, playback and search of video recordings
- One-touch backup to USB storage device
- Full PTZ control
- Integration with ComproView Enterprise edition
- Intelligent iWizard for easy and effortless setup