
LevelOne WGR-6012 300Mbps 無線 Gigabit 路由器

LevelOne WGR-6012 300Mbps 無線 Gigabit 路由器
型 號: WGR-6012
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300Mbps 無線 Gigabit 路由器
-  具備2支天線與2T/2R MIMO技術, 無線數據傳輸速率高達 300Mbps   
-  兼容IEEE 802.11b/g/n的標準   
-  內建4個 10/100/1000以太網路端口   
-  支援WDS模式建立多個無線網絡   
-  支援WPS(Wi-Fi Protected Setup)按鈕, 輕鬆完成無線網路安全設定    
-  同時可支援多達 20.000 條 NAT sessions    
-  支援WEP,WPA和WPA2無線加密   
-  具備自動節能機制   
-  內建防火牆和服務質量(QoS), 有效管理網路流量   
-  內建快速簡易的安裝嚮導精靈

The LevelOne WGR-6012 is the center of your home or office network, you can share a high-speed internet connection, files and multi-player games with flexibility, speed and simplicity! It supports wireless speeds up to 300 Mbps by using LevelOne’s N_Max wireless technology, while maintaining compatibility with legacy 801.11g and 11b devices. A built-in 4 port full-duplex 10/100/1000 Switch to connect your wired-Ethernet devices brings it all together to maximize your high-speed Internet access.

Wi-Fi Protected Set up
The LevelOne WGR-6012 incorporates WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup). By simply clicking the WPS button, you are able to setup a secure wireless connection between your router and WPS supported devices.

Wireless On/Off Button
The wireless radio is one of the most power intensive components. With a simple push of a button, you can disable the wireless radio when it’s not needed. Not only that, the wireless can also be scheduled on and off automatically via the easy to use web interface.

Green Power Saving
When there are no wireless devices connected to the WGR-6012, it will automatically only keep one antenna active in low power. So when you’re sleeping, or away form home or office, wireless signals of your router are turned off which saves power and reduces the risk of someone stealing your internet connection.