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✮ 優惠期至2014年10月31日 ✮
KNS承諾所有打印機均屬全新香港行貨 ㊣
並享有原廠保用服務 (條款以代理商提供為準)
請即致電 3170 7019 或電郵至 查詢及訂購。
- 複印張數: 5 (original + 4 copies)
- 列印速度: Fastest: 435 cps High speed draft @ 10cpi: 387cps NLQ @ 10cpi: 73cps
- 列印寬度: 136 characters (10cpi), 272 characters (compressed mode)
- 噪音: 57dBA, 52dBA in quiet-mode
- 產品保固: 1 year
- 電壓: 220/230V AC (+6%, -14%); 240V AC (+/-10%)
- 主機重量: 9.1Kg
- 頻率: 50/60 Hz
- 主機尺寸: 116 x 552 x 345mm
Paper Handling
- 進紙路徑 1: Bottom-feed: for specific applications, heavier paper and labels (optional pull-tractor required)
- 其他類紙張: Light card stock: max. 163 g/m2 (via bottomfeed)
- 選購紙張處理: Pull tractor feed Bottom tractor with metal long-life tear-off bar Single/Dual bin cut-sheet feeder Roll paper stand (80 column only)
- 進紙路徑 2: Top-feed: semi-automatic feeding of single sheets or cut sheetfeeder for letterhead
- 進紙路徑 3: Rear-feed: extra flexibility: paper-park for easy switching between continuous forms and single sheets
- 複印張數: 5 (original + 4 copies)
- 紙張重量: 38-90 g/m2
- 標準紙張處理: Push-tractor rear-feed, Paper park feature, Easy tear-off without paper waste, Semi-automatic feeding of single sheets
- 紙張尺寸: 63.5-406 mm (continuous forms), max 239 x 102 mm (continuous envelopes)
Printing Characteristics
- 列印速度: Fastest: 435 cps High speed draft @ 10cpi: 387cps NLQ @ 10cpi: 73cps
- 印字頭: High durability 9 pin print head
- 列印寬度: 136 characters (10cpi), 272 characters (compressed mode)
- 字元間距: 10, 12, 15, 17 and 20 cpi
- 內建條碼: Code 39, UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN 8, EAN 13, Interleaved 2 of 5, ZIP, Code 128
- 字型: Courier, gothic, sans serif, utility
- 圖形解析度: Up to 240 x 216 dpi
- 記憶體: 64Kb
- 零吋起印: 0.5mm from top of page
- 字型樣式: Emphasised, enhanced, double Width, italics, scalable
- 印字頭壽命: 200M characters
- 穩定度: Print head life: 200M characters; MTBF: 10,000 hours
- 色帶壽命: 3M characters
- 平均無故障工作時間: 10,000 hours
- 連接介面: Centronics parallel & USB
- 選購印表機語言: Oki ML-Standard
- 選購介面: RS-232C serial, Current loop, 10/100 Ethernet