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精簡且堅固的點矩陣印表機不僅能進行高解析度的列印輸出,更具備經證實為同級最高穩定度。有了具 USB 連接功能的標準配備,公司便能享受更高的列印操作靈活度以及完美的連線能力,而且價格實惠,效能超值。
- 複印張數: No. of multi-part forms 5 (one original + 4 copies)
- 列印速度: Speed & throughput Super speed draft (12cpi only) - High speed draft (10 cpi) 333cps Utility (10 cpi) 250cps Letter quality (10 cpi) 83cps Fastest print speed 333cps
- 列印寬度: Font & print features Carriage width (10cpi) 80 columns Max. in compressed mode 160 columns
- 噪音: 51 dB(A) (ISO 7779)
- 電壓: 220V-240V AC
- 主機重量: 4.2kg
- 頻率: 50/60Hz
- 主機尺寸: 150 x 349 x 232mm
Paper Handling
- 進紙路徑 1: Bottom path - pull tractor
- 選購紙張處理:
- 進紙路徑 2: Rear - push tractor
- 進紙路徑 3: Top - friction fed cut sheet
- 複印張數: No. of multi-part forms 5 (one original + 4 copies)
- 標準紙張處理: Automatic sheet loading, Short paper tear-off, Auto park feature
- 紙張尺寸: Continuous paper 76.2 - 254mm
Printing Characteristics
- 列印速度: Speed & throughput Super speed draft (12cpi only) - High speed draft (10 cpi) 333cps Utility (10 cpi) 250cps Letter quality (10 cpi) 83cps Fastest print speed 333cps
- 印字頭: 24
- 列印寬度: Font & print features Carriage width (10cpi) 80 columns Max. in compressed mode 160 columns
- 字元間距: 10/12/15/17.1/20 cpi
- 字型: Courier (scalable), Roman (scalable), Swiss (scalable), Swiss Bold, Orator, Gothic, Prestige, OCR-A, OCR-B, Utility, HSD and Barcodes
- 圖形解析度: Graphics resolution Up to 360 x 360 dpi
- 記憶體: 64KB
- 零吋起印: First printable line Cut sheet: 2.12mm (to centre of character) (from top of page) Continuous: 2.12mm (to centre of character)
- 字型樣式: Emphasised, Enhanced, Double width, Double height, Italics, Outline, Shadow, Bold, Underline, Subscript, Superscript
- 印字頭壽命: Print head life 400 million characters
- 穩定度: Print head life 200 million characters Ribbon Life 4 million characters Supplies life MTBF 10,000 hours
- 色帶壽命: Print head life 200 million characters
- 平均無故障工作時間: 10,000 hours
- 連接介面: Centronics Parallel, USB 2.0, Serial RS232
- 印表機語言: Epson LQ, IBM PPR IBM AGM