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百萬像素 H.264超靈敏低光
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夜間高辨識度 130萬畫素 固定式網路攝影機 IP8151 VIVOTEK IP8151 is a professional-series fixed network camera featuring 1.3-megapixel resolution with superb megapixel image quality. Equipped with SONY's latest sensor technology "ExMor", the IP8151 captures both exceptional details during daytime and offers unparalleled visibility under low-light conditions. The IP8151 camera supports the industry-standard H.264 compression technology, drastically reducing file sizes and conserving valuable network bandwidth. With MPEG-4 and MJPEG compatibility also included, video streams can also be transmitted in any of these formats for versatile applications. The IP8151 camera is the best choice for the most demanding monitoring applications. With the ability to provide smooth and sharp video, plus high sensitivity in low light conditions, the IP8151 camera can secure a variety of applications such as traffic monitoring, retail stores, education campuses, and much more. Embedded with VIVOTEK's latest network technology, it also provides great flexibility for large scale projects such as banks, casinos, and ports.