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USB 多功能印表機伺服器
-提供實用工具軟體(Utility) for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Convert your USB 2.0 High-Speed devices to a shared Local Area Network resource
The LevelOne FUS-3101 Network USB server provides fast Ethernet connectivity for your 2.0 High-Speed devices, instantly making it accessible anywhere on your LAN. The USB 2.0 High-Speed interface support assures seamless data transfer, thus it is most ideal for sharing a USB scanner and storage device on your existing LAN.
Versatile, flexible and intuitive network ability with almost any USB devices
The High-Speed USB device server allows the business or home user to improve productivity and save money by sharing a USB device among multiple LAN users. Examples of supported devices are Multi-Function or All-in-One Printers, storage, hubs, and card readers.
(Some high-bandwidth devices, such as high-definition webcams, may not be compatible with the FUS-3101.)